Omega Private Academy - Acworth
Individualized Instruction
Omega Private Academy® is a respected K-12 private school presented Cognia accredited educational services offered by Omega Learning® Center. At Omega Private Academy® we understand that not all children learn the same way. Our focus is on the child as an individual and we provide flexible academic plans in a low student:teacher ratio classroom. Students thrive in a supporting, nurturing environment.
Quick Facts
- Founded 2008
- Extending the Omega Learning® services to our community
- Cognia Accreditation
- 8:1 Teacher to Student Classroom Ratio
- Grades 2-12
- Students Enrollment: 30 - 40
- GSNS Provider
- College Prep high school program
- Multi-Sensory Instruction
- Customized Lesson Plans
- Yearly Standardized Testing
Flexible Academic Programs
Omega Private Academy's class schedule provides families with the flexibility they prefer. Omega offers customized 10, 11, and 12 month academic plans to help each student achieve success based on their academic goals and timeline. Teachers are able to fill skill gaps and challenge students allowing them to achieve success on a daily basis and build self-confidence.
Our Teachers
Our teachers are certified, experienced professionals who are fully invested in the success of their students. Omega teachers are positive role models, leading by example and providing menthorship to help our students to become responsible, productive adults.
- Parent portal provides access to attendance, grades, and assignments
- Weekly newsletters
- Parent conferences
- Stakeholder surveys
Individualized Instruction
Omega Private Academy® teachers provide differentiated instruction based on individual academic plans built around a student's assessments, testing and school records. Teachers keep students engaged using multi-sensory instructional methods.
High School Program
The Omega Private Academy® High School offers a college preparation program. All Georgia graduation requirements are met at the required level of rigour for the Hope scholarship application. Elective courses offer core academic, special interest, and vocational focus.
College Counseling
College counseling is offered through "FutureQuest" a monthly colloege/career prep sessions, college night, college visits, advice and mentoring by teacers and staff and the administration of PSAT and SAT/ACT evaluation tests. Test preparation programs are available through the Omega Learning® Center tutoring services.
Omega Private Academy® receives application for enrollment through the year, to maximize our service to our community by meeting ongoing family needs. Places are limited. Omega Private Academy® admits students from all background and origins.
Open House
Open houses are held at certain times of the year to provide families with an informal opportunity to view our facilities and ask questions.
Application Process
Families with make an appointment to take part in a conference with the Center Director, which will include a discussion of the family's academic goals and a review of the student's records (including an IEP or psychological report if applicable), and a tour of the facilities. Upon successful completion of the conference the student will be invited for a shadowing day. The student will be given a Woodcock Johnson IV assessment to help determine academic placement and neeeds. A positive decision will be made based on all of these inputs before registration and enrollment can proceed.
Omega Private Academy® accepts the GSNS in part payment of tuition fees. A small amount of financial aid is made available to enrolled students on the basis of needs or merit, at the discretion of the administration. Tuition 2024-25:
- Annual Registration Fee: $975
- Annual Tuition: $11,500
- Activity Fee: $300
- Electives: $1,600 per year for 4 hours per week
School Life
School Hours
- Elementary and Middle School: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
- High School: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am - 2:00 pm (after school electives times may vary).
- Friday is an independent study day. Each student will have work to complete for Monday.
- After school study groups are available after school and on Friday
School Involvement
Our students show a variety of ways to be involved. The following amenitites are currently offered:
- Community Service (including whole school community service days)
- Student Council
- Year Book
- Monthly Social Events
- Field Trips (team building and curriculum support)
- College Counseling
- School Photographs
- National Honor Society
- Hope and Zell Miller Scholarship
- Cap and Gown Graduation Ceremony
Photo Gallery:

Contact Us:
Omega Learning® Center - Acworth
5330 Brookstone Drive, Suite 320
Acworth, GA 30101
To view our center's Calendar of Events, CLICK HERE
Our Location:
Call Us Today! (770) 792-7431